PHP subwords() Function

Function subwords, gets words by max num.

 * Get words from string...
 * @param string $str: String of words
 * @param integer $max: Maximum words
 * @param char $char: is Delimiter
 * @param string $end: Apend string if string will be cutted
function subwords( $str, $max = 24, $char = ' ', $end = '...' ) {
    $str = trim( $str ) ;
    $str = $str . $char ;
    $len = strlen( $str ) ;
    $words = '' ;
    $w = '' ;
    $c = 0 ;
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ )
        if ( $str[$i] != $char )
            $w = $w . $str[$i] ;
            if ( ( $w != $char ) and ( $w != '' ) ) {
                $words .= $w . $char ;
                $c++ ;
                if ( $c >= $max ) {
                    break ;
                $w = '' ;
    if ( $i+1 >= $len ) {
        $end = '' ;
    return trim( $words ) . $end ;
echo subwords('Hello World!', 1); //out = 'hello...'

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